Alachua County Jail Work Release Program

Inmate Programs Adult Education Program - GED Through a collaborated effort with the Alachua County School Board, this program enables inmates to improve their reading, mathematics, and language skills. All new students are tested using the TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education).

GED preparation is provided for students who test at or above the ninth grade level. If the inmate becomes proficient while in custody, the inmate is allowed to take the GED test while incarcerated. Life Skills A 12 week course facilitated by the Salvation Army that concentrates on equipping inmates with the basic skills necessary to live a productive life once released from jail. Topics include money management, job seeking and resume writing, parenting skills, life planning, and goal setting.

Substance Abuse Intervention A weekly group facilitated by Meridian counselors that includes discussion directed toward addressing inmates with substance abuse issues. The goal is to educate on making better life choices while dealing with and overcoming addiction.

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Alachua County Jail Work Release Program

Anger Management Weekly courses that will help inmates who struggle with managing their anger learn techniques to identify their triggers, how to manage stress, and how to effectively resolve conflict. Domestic Violence Weekly group sessions with a Peaceful Paths victim advocate. The goal of this class is to assist inmates who are victims of domestic violence with education on domestic violence, safety planning, intervention and referrals to community resources.

Bridges to Prosperity Weekly group sessions with the Catholic Charities – Bridges to Prosperity Program Director. The goal of this class is to teach inmates financial matters related to saving, budgeting, future planning, goal setting and achieving overall financial fitness. Inmate Re-Entry Programs Inmate Transition Program The Alachua County Sheriff's Office Transition Program is an initiative that aims to reduce recidivism (returns to jail) among inmates who are returning to the community. Through these efforts, the Sheriff's Office strives to encourage successful inmate reentry while promoting public safety and lowering costs for the Sheriff's Office. The program is offered to sentenced male inmates who are at high risk to reoffend and who have at least 60 days left to serve in the jail.

Each Transition Program participant is required to complete targeted programs. These courses have been shown through research to be effective in addressing criminnogenic (crime-producing) needs and reducing recidivism. The programs include Reasoning and Rehabilitation 2, Treating All Dependencies, and Employability Skills. Participants also receive case management services to plan for reentry and referrals to appropriate community agencies. Program staff follows up with former participants after release for continued referral services and to collect outcome data. Paws on Parole Unleashed The Paws on Parole program is offered to female inmates who have been cleared for trusty status.

Alachua Jail Visitation


Inmates who participate in this program work one on one with an adoptable dog through Alachua County Animal Services. The inmate offers the dog obedience training in order for the dog and the inmate to become better citizens. The dogs are then tested and graduate to be adopted by forever families.

Inmates involved in the program learn skills to make them better prepared to work in animal service related environments such as vet offices, grooming salons, etc. Veteran Justice Outreach Program Veteran inmates are referred to a Social Worker with the Veterans Administration for outreach services.

Chaplain Services (352-491-4692) The Chaplain provides a number of services to inmates. Through the use of community religious volunteers, inmates are able to have bible study of various religious faiths. The Chaplain also provides individual and group spiritual counseling, distributes religious materials, performs emergency notifications, arranges religious diets, and also serves as a contact for inmates in need of re-entry or community services.

Alachua County Jail Work Release

The Chaplain also coordinates both the AA and NA classes that are available for inmates. Library Services The Library in the Alachua County Sheriff's Office Department of the Jail is an actual branch of the Alachua County Library District. Inmates are allowed access to books and other reading materials and are provided an opportunity to do legal research. The circulation has been high, with over thirteen thousand checkouts for this year.