Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Design Program

  1. Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Efficiency

Software by Jack D. Mattingly Over the last thirty years, I have written an array of computer programs for educational use in the field of gas turbine engines and their design. I started with a set of gas turbine engine cycle analysis programs (ONX and OFFX) for use with Aircraft Engine Design, First Edition (1987) that were available along with the textbook from the American Institute of Aeronautics (AIAA). Later on I developed the aircraft engine system program AEDsys to help with the analysis of Chapters 2 through 7 of Aircraft Engine Design. This program was initially used and proven in professional courses and courses at USAF Academy and AFIT.


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Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Design Program

The AEDsys program was released to the public with Aircraft Engine Design, Second Edition (2002). In 1995 I released a suite of five programs (AFPROP, COMPR, PARA, PERF, and TURBN) combined with the new McGraw-Hill textbook Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion, First Edition. In 1996, the ONX and OFFX programs were modified and included with Aircraft Engine Design, First Edition along with its user guide in Adobe Acrobat format.

The ECAP and EOPP gas turbine engine analysis programs, along with other programs by at the University of Washington, are included in the third edition of Gordon C. Oates' AIAA textbook. The newest versions of AEDsys, ONX, COMPR, and TURBN are included (by download) with (2002) along with the new INLET and NOZZLE programs. These programs are included in the along with six other programs (AFTRBNR, ATMOS, EQL, GASTAB, KINETX, and MAINBRN) written. Go to the to view description, user guide and/or example screens of these programs. In 2016, I released a Windows update of the suite of five programs (AFPROP, COMPR, PARA, PERF, and TURBN) combined with the AIAA publication of.

Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Efficiency

Also included were three other programs (ATMOS, GASTAB, and EQL) written. Programs I've written are grouped below by general area. Gas Turbine Cycle Analysis Programs. ECAP - Engine Cycle Analysis Program. This program calculates the variation in performance with design parameters (on-design analysis) of gas turbine engines (ideal and real) in support of Chapters 5 and 7 in Gordon C. Oates' AIAA textbook. This program was written in QuickBASIC with user-friendly pull-down menus and data fields.

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It is supplied in executable code with the 1997 edition of Oates' book from AIAA. EOPP - Engine Off-Design Performance Program. This program calculates the variation in an engine's off-design performance with changes in flight condition and throttle in support of Chapter 8 in Gordon C.

Oates' AIAA textbook. This program was written in QuickBASIC with user-friendly pull-down menus and data fields. It is supplied in executable code with the 1997 edition of Oates' book from AIAA. OFFX - Off-Design analysis of gas turbine engines (Version 2.2 - May 1996). This program calculates engine performance and supports the first edition of the AIAA textbook Aircraft Engine Design (1987).


It was written in FORTRAN with user input menus and data. This program along with the ONX program in executable codes and the user manual in Adobe Acrobat format were included with fifth printing of the textbook Aircraft Engine Design, First Edition. ONX - On-Design analysis of gas turbine engines (Version 2.2 - May 1996). This program performs engine parametric calculations and supports the first edition of the AIAA textbook Aircraft Engine Design (1987). It was written in FORTRAN with user input menus and data. This program along with the OFFX program in executable codes and the user manual in Adobe Acrobat format were included with the fifth printing of the textbook Aircraft Engine Design, First Edition.

ONX - On-Design analysis of gas turbine engines (Version 5.3 - April 2012 for Windows). This program performs engine parametric calculations and supports the AIAA textbook Aircraft Engine Design, Second Edition (2002).

Updated version of this program are included within the AEDsys system analysis program included with. PARA - Parametric Analysis of Gas Turbine Engines (Version 4.2 - June 2006 for Windows). This program calculates the variation in performance with design parameters (on-design analysis) of gas turbine engines (ideal and real) in support of Chapter 5 and 7 in Elements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets (2006) published by AIAA. This program was written in VisualBASIC with user-friendly pull-down menus and data fields. It is available in executable code with the textbook from AIAA. PERF - Performance Analysis of Gas Turbine Engines (Version 4.2 - June 2006 for Windows).

This program calculates the variation in an engine's performance with changes in flight condition and throttle in support of Chapter 8 in Elements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets (2006) published by AIAA. This program was written in VisualBASIC with user-friendly pull-down menus and data fields. It is available in executable code with the textbook from AIAA. Aircraft/Engine System Analysis. AEDsys - Aircraft Engine Design System Analysis Software (Version 4.1 - 12 March 2012 for Windows).

This program calculates the performance constraints (wing loading versus thrust loading) and aircraft system performance plots (contour plots) in support of Chapters 2, 5-7 in Aircraft Engine Design, Second Edition; and the fuel use and aircraft performance in support of Chapters 3 through 7 in. This program includes the off-design analysis of gas turbine engines (previously contained in OFFX) to predict engine performance. It is written in Visual Basic 6 with user input menus and data fields., (2MB pdf each). Component Preliminary Design. COMPR - Multistage Axial Flow Compressor Design (Version 5.3 - March 2012 for Windows). This program calculates the mean-line design of multistage axial-flow compressors in support of Chapter 8 in Aircraft Engine Design, Second Edition (2002) and of Chapter 9 in Elements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets (2006). INLET - Two-Dimensional Supersonic Inlet Design (Version 3.2 - March 2012 for Windows).

NOZZLE - Axisymmetric Nozzle Design (Version 3.4 - March 2012 for Windows). TURBN - Multistage Axial-Flow Turbine Design (Version 5.3 -March 2012 for Windows). This program calculates the mean-line design of multistage axial-flow turbines in support of Chapter 8 in Aircraft Engine Design, Second Edition (2002) and of Chapter 9 in Elements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets (2006).

Other. AFPROP - Air/Fuel Properties. (Version 2.0 - April 2005). This program calculates the thermodynamic properties of air and jet fuels at low pressure in support of the textbook Elements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets (2006). This program is available in both Visual BASIC source code and executable code with the textbook from AIAA.