Curl 18 Uploaded Unaligned File Size

Here is my log from my ftp client: CURL DEBUG TEXT: Remembering we are in dir 'DIRECTORY01/' CURL DEBUG HEADERIN: 226 Transfer complete. CURL DEBUG TEXT: Connection #0 to host ftp.xxxx.yy left intact CURL DEBUG TEXT: Re-using existing connection!

FTP backup error. Discussion in 'Plesk. * Uploaded unaligned file size (0 out of 114284 bytes) 4920. Curl error (25): Upload failed (at start/before it took off).

(#0) with host ftp.xxxx.yy CURL DEBUG TEXT: Connected to ftp.xxxx.yy ( port 21 (#0) CURL DEBUG TEXT: Request has same path as previous transfer CURL DEBUG HEADEROUT: EPRT 1 lll.lll.lll.lll 59105 CURL DEBUG HEADERIN: 200 EPRT command successful. CURL DEBUG TEXT: Connect data stream actively CURL DEBUG HEADEROUT: STOR image02.tif CURL DEBUG HEADERIN: 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting. CURL DEBUG TEXT: Connection accepted from server CURL DEBUG DATAOUT: II. CURL DEBUG TEXT: Remembering we are in dir 'DIRECTORY01/' CURL DEBUG HEADERIN: 226 Transfer complete.

Curl 18 Uploaded Unaligned File SizeUnaligned

CURL DEBUG TEXT: Connection #0 to host ftp.xxxx.yy left intact CURL DEBUG TEXT: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host ftp.xxxx.yy CURL DEBUG TEXT: Connected to ftp.xxxx.yy ( port 21 (#0) CURL DEBUG TEXT: Request has same path as previous transfer CURL DEBUG HEADEROUT: EPRT 1 lll.lll.lll.lll 54344 CURL DEBUG HEADERIN: 200 EPRT command successful. CURL DEBUG TEXT: Connect data stream actively CURL DEBUG HEADEROUT: STOR image03.tif CURL DEBUG TEXT: FTP response reading failed CURL DEBUG TEXT: Uploaded unaligned file size (0 out of 36479 bytes) CURL DEBUG TEXT: Closing connection #0 Here is the relevant log and answer from the maintener of the target ftp server: In column A is a session ID, unique for each session. In line 20, the session begins correctly, user login in etc, data transfer, session ID 59472.

Uploaded Unaligned File Size


Session Port Command 59472 21 EPRT 34277 20 DataChannelOpened 34277 20 DataChannelClosed 59472 21 STOR This is not causing the error, but it seems very strange to me. You error begins in line 120, see below. You give a ControlChannelClosed command for session id 59472, the session will be closed by this command, but after this command you try to store data, this is not possible and causing ftp error 425, means cannot open data connection, this is the correct message, because you have closed this and cannot send any data on the session id. Session Port Command 59472 21 ControlChannelClosed 59472 21 STOR 59748 21 USER The strange thing is, in my log, I do not see that behaviour, what the server side log contains: close control channel and store file after that.