Install Cmder Windows 7
I tried installing JL_Cmder onto Windows 7 RC 32-bit and I can't get the program to install. I clicked on the install.cmd file but I get a command win.
I have a fresh Windows 10 64-bit install, which I'm attempting to set up for development. I have. downloaded and installed cmder, then rebooted. downloaded and installed Vagrant, then rebooted.
Cmder Shell
downloaded and installed VirtualBox, then rebooted. set VAGRANTHOME=c: vagrant.
Cmder Prompt
used VBoxManage setproperty machinefolder c: virtualbox-machines. acquired my department's VagrantFile, and modified it to suit my filesystem. In cmder, if I now run vagrant box add -name chef/centos-7.0 I get no output. No failure codes, no windows errors, no logs from vagrant. The same is true of all vagrant commands, up to and including vagrant -version and vagrant -help. Other commands work fine in cmder.
However, if I run a basic command line, cmd.exe, then the vagrant box add command completes correctly. An, as far as I know, identical setup worked under Windows 7 32-bit. Can anyone suggest what might be going wrong? There is something wrong with the git-for-windows that is vendored with cmder and vagrant. However, cmder allows you to have your own install of git-for-windows. To fix this issue with vagrant working and cmder:.
Install git for windows from. Ensure your PATH includes the path to the git you just installed (default should be: C: Program Files Git cmd). Restart cmder Cmder should then detect the custom git install and use that and there will no longer be a problem with vagrant.
Editing the cmder vender init.bat is not a great solution because this can be replaced by cmder in a future update. Hey I just talked with the guy who had the problem here at the office, he said the problem was related to its $PATH not being set correctly for git.exe.
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Problem is with the way loads git. (I still don't know why git have anything to do with preventing vagrant from running). Make sure C: Tools cmder bin; comes first in the list. Remove cmder's git-for-windows (he also renamed it to a different path just to make sure it doesn't get used by cmder). Use and add C: Program Files Git usr bin; to to your PATH.
After doing this, he was able to run vagrant commands from cmder like before. Hope it helps.
I simply can't run 'npm' or, for instance, 'gulp' in my cmder. But I can run it if I manually open the cmd λ gulp 'gulp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
If I run npm manually from the Nodejs directory, it works. So I added an alias with alias npm=C: Progra1 nodejs npm.cmd $. and now npm works, but I guess that's not the best solution, since I can't run Node modules. What I've tried. I've tried to add '%APPDATA% npm nodemodules' and 'AppData Roaming npm' to both System and User environment variables.
Restarting the computer. Running cmd as admin inside of Cmder. Add '%APPDATA% npm nodemodules' and 'AppData Roaming npm' to 'Cmder's user-startup.cmd' path. I can run Ruby's gem or Python inside of cmder just fine, but Node just won't work specifically inside of Cmder (but will work on window's native cmd.exe).