Breaking Dawn Part 2 Full Movie Subtitles Indonesia

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I can't believe I sat through this entire movie. I can't believe Stephanie Meyer approves of it.

I can't believe the acting is so dreadful. I can't believe some people actually think this is an all-right, let alone great, ending to the movie franchise. Admittedly, I am inclined to be negatively critical of movies that are not faithful to the original story or characters on which they are based - especially if I liked the original. I was mildly tolerant of the 4 movies leading up to this one because I felt the important parts of the story lines were there even though the actors didn't measure up to the characters that had formed in my mind from reading the books. This final movie, on the other hand, rushes through the story barely touching on some parts I feel are important, in order to include a culminating scene which is not part of the original story, and which itself has to be absurdly unbelievable to any fan of the book series.

Two actors, Lautner and Sheen, do the best they can with the terrible dialoge they were given, but not one other character utters a believable syllable the entire time. I should have stayed home and re-read the book, and would heartily advise others to do the same. It has finally come.yes, the final installment of the gushy billion-dollar making series made famous by Stephenie Meyer. Mehtunately (a cross between 'unfortunately' and 'fortunately'), I have read the books and knew what to expect. Unfortunately, I have seen all of the movies, with some different opinions. I found Eclipse to be the best, even though it is quite mediocre. Twilight was too dull, with boring actors, New Moon was just a repeat of that, except with wolves, and Breaking Dawn Part 1 was two hours of three things: 1.

Bella and Edward getting married, 2. Bella and Edward having very unessential foreplay that results in a pregnancy, and 3. Bella sitting on a couch moaning and groaning with said pregnancy. I will say I did not have many great expectations for this final installment. But I did see it. It did not raise the bar, nor did it lower it. To me, it was just another Twilight movie.

Bella and Edward are now married. They have a newborn half-mortal half-immortal vampire baby.

Bella is now a vampire. The baby, or Renesmee, is the driving force of the otherwise tedious plot of this movie.

The Volturi is given false reasons to believe that this baby will somehow, in its later life, kill many people and expose the other world that humans don't know about. The Cullens set out to bring in other vampire clans to defend themselves from the Volturi.

The short plot summary that you can find on the front page of IMDb practically summarizes the entire movie: 'After the birth of Renesmee, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.' You can basically just use your imagination to fill in the blank spots.

That's the whole plot. This isn't a very strong plot to work with, and thus gave me a sense of boredom throughout the whole movie, except for the end, but we'll get to that. The bad.well, the usual.

The only new bad that I can't seem to get away from is the pacing of this movie. The pacing was terrible. If I were to guess, they covered the first 100 pages of the last half of the book within the first five minutes. Each scene felt like it was missing a beginning and an end, and the transitions between each scene were non-existent. Along with that you have the acting, which mainly focuses on Kristen Stewart's one facial expression. The rest of the acting is decent, and the only good actors have very minor parts. The script needs more to add more dialogue.

Within three lines of dialogue, they tried to cover as much as they could, and when they weren't talking about significant things, the dialogue was weak and uninteresting. The special effects, now, were atrocious. With the two billion dollars that this series has made, you would think that the special effects would be somewhat believable. I'm a very negative person, I know, and I'm probably going to get hated on, but notice that I've given this movie a three star rating. There was one thing in this movie that was worth that, which if you think about it, is a lot if you are talking about a full-length movie. There will be no spoilers, but I can only say that the ending was absolutely sensational. They changed it from the book in such a huge way, and such a good way, that I thought the movie was going to redeem itself in its final half-hour.

Obviously it couldn't make up for all that was bad, but the ending was absolutely amazing. That's all I can say.

Overall, fans of the series.I mean, single teenage girls will enjoy the final installment. It has the same elements of the other movies that made it so popular, so there's nothing to complain about with fans of the series.

It's just not my cup of tea, but, who am I? I'm just one person voicing his opinion. I have to admit, I've never seen any of the Twilight movies previous to this one. Accompanied my girlfriend on this one since she went with me to see Skyfall. Caveat-I'm a guy and this is definitely not my type of movie.

But I say with no equivocation that I tried to be open minded.I REALLY DID. I mean.she dragged me to the indie film 'The Paperboy' and I actually enjoyed that. This was the worst piece of tripe I have EVER SEEN. I couldn't find one redeeming thing about this abomination of a 'movie'. Did it really have a budget of $75,000,000???? The movie effects looked so fake (The CGI effects used to make the baby were HORRIBLE.

The scenes where the characters are moving at some sort of hyper-vampire speed were a joke). The lines were so cheesy and hackneyed (and horribly delivered by the actors) that it was laughable. The story line was completely disjointed.there was no flow to it at all. I saw someone's earlier review here where she stated that she asked her friend 'Is this a real movie?'

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Full Movie

I found myself in disbelief the entire time. My girlfriend.who admitted that this franchise was a guilty pleasure of hers-said she loved the other movies-FELL ASLEEP halfway through. This is someone who loves this franchise. In her words-this movie was a complete waste, there was no reason to break the final movie into two parts. They could have summed up everything that happened in this one by adding 15 minutes onto the last one and it would have made a much cleaner ending.

Biggest waste of two hours in my entire life. Waiting in line for two hours at the DMV to have one of their employees perform a root canal on me, while listening to Britney Spears perform 'Oops I Did It Again' live would have been less torturous. This is the first time I sat in a theatre to watch a Twilight movie. I think the theatre experience maybe helped me enjoy the film more than I should have. Nevertheless, Breaking Dawn Part II is not only the best entry in the franchise, it's also the worst.

How can that be? For a good 20 minutes, the film tries to be daring and does something different. Yet it is all undone by playing it safe and ruining what came before it. I have to stress that yes, this film did NOT have to be broken up into two.

The first film was an hour and a half of filler, followed by 20 minutes of awesomeness. This entry is an hour and a half of build-up, followed by 20 minutes of awesomeness X10, followed by the worst decision the series has ever made to date. I have seen every Twilight movie, I'm not a fan, nor am I a hater. I'm always objective when it comes to these movies.

The highest rating I've given one of them is a 5, that went to Eclipse. Breaking Dawn Part II could have easily gotten a 7 from me, had they had the balls to go through with what we were witnessing. A twist so inane, that it actually made me boo at the screen. I don't think I've ever booed at any movie in the theatre before, so congratulations Breaking Dawn Part II, you achieved something. Now, that awesomeness that I was speaking of, it is indeed awesome. I was cheering, I was laughing, I was having a blast.

The people around me, I'm assuming fans, were gasping at the carnage they were witnessing. I had a giant smile on my face. Did the creators finally take the series in a bold direction?

Did they finally have the balls to do something different? Yes, they did, but then they ruin it. I can't stress how awful that made me feel. K-Stew, finally has something to do other than swoon over Edward, resist the urges from Jacob and act like a whiny teenager. She is a vampire, so she has to learn to be one, although it seems she has no problem with the thirst and heightened senses.

There is no struggle for her, which makes this whole aspect a bit shallow. Jacob, unfortunately has nothing to do in this entry other than glare at everyone who comes near Renesmee.

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So the character shifts his focus from one girl to the next, nothing more for him to do, yawn. Speaking of Renesmee (stupid name), we have what is probably one of the creepiest babies to ever grace the silver screen. Why they chose to use CGI for the face of the baby, other than using a normal one is beyond me. It looks unnatural and comical. The movement doesn't flow and for some reason they decide to keep this CGI face with the kid as she grows older until they finally have the older actress in the role. As with every Twilight film, there are moments of unintentional laughter, bad acting, dialogue and CGI.

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Michael Sheen seems to be having fun acting like a complete weirdo and the others seem to be happy they are finished with this series. Now, to be completely honest, this entire saga could have been told in three movies. Twilight for the set up, Eclipse for conflict, Breaking Dawn for the closure. Eliminate the pointless New Moon and condense these two movies into one. Twilight is finally over.

Twilight breaking dawn part 2 full movie

No more sparkling vampires, no more team Edwards or team Jacobs and no more shirtless scenes of young men. Good bye Twilight, I do not look forward to the inevitable remakes. This movie cost a reported $120,000,000. In only 2 weeks, it's already doubled that take at the box office, but what I'd like to know is where all that money went.


Not on sets or locations, since it's mainly set in the woods. Elegant costumes, to be sure, but you're not gonna blow 9 digits' worth of bucks on epaulets. The effects are sparse and nothing special. Fersher not on the writing (execrable screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg). So it has to have been on the actors. And boy, did they ever NOT get their money's worth.

The entire film consists of people standing around like statues, reading dialog to each other, with an occasional flicker of attempted facial expression. Really, this is not an exaggeration.

80% of the film is literally people just standing there like an array of department-store manikins, spouting inane, vapid dialog. Role plays today jason anderson. The entire premise of the film is based on the idea that the Volturi, self-appointed overlords of the vampire world, will not tolerate a human child being turned into a vampire (with some justification, based on terrible experiences in the past, when the tykes had tantrums and couldn't control their appetites).

And now the Volturi mistakenly believe that Bella and Edward's new child, the regrettably named Renesmee, is one such, and they're coming to wreak vengeance on her and the entire Cullen clan — having politely given several weeks advance notice. All of this could have been cleared up with a little home video, or perhaps a Skype call. Ditto for the Cullens' attempts to round up witnesses to little Nessie's amazing growth spurt (newborn to an apparent age 6 in a couple of weeks). Could they just ring up their friends on their cell phones or e-mail them?

Nooooooo, gotta travel twice around the world to ask them in person. And then they all show up in the Pacific northwoods, where they get to stand around like statues like everyone else. When there finally IS a flurry of action, the cameras move so rapidly and jerkily that you can't get any sense at all of who's doing what to whom. This is a terrible movie, all posing and posturing and protestations of undying love less sincere than a Twinkies commercial.