Euro Cuisine Ym80 Manual

  1. Euro Cuisine Ym80
  2. Euro Cuisine Ym80 Directions

Euro Cuisine® Yogurt Maker YM80 Welcome to the Europe Cuisine kitchen. Our delicious food is created with ease. Today I am going to show you how to make a fresh and healthy yoghurt using the Euro Cuisine YM80. Are you ready for a fresh start? Let’s make some yoghurt.

Yogurt Maker Operating Instructions. MODEL YM80 1. Upper Cover 2. The Euro-Cuisine yogurt maker can be used to make different types of yogurt. Euro-Cuisine YM80 Electric Yogurt Maker 4.5. Sold by Sears. Euro-Cuisine 8 Jars for Electric Yogurt Maker Model YM80 and YM100. Euro Cuisine YM100 Automatic Yogurt Maker. Euro Cuisine YM80 Yogurt Maker. Even though the manual says that using skim milk could take 13 hours.

All you need are two simple ingredients. First ingredient: 2 or 3 ounces of plain yoghurt at room temperature or a 5-gram-packet of Euro Cuisine yoghurt culture plus 5 -quart packet of your favorite milk. That’s about 42 ounces. You can use any type of milk: whole, skim or low fat, pasteurized or raw. You can also use: almond milk, soy milk, or even goat’s milk! Preparing ice bath in your kitchen sink: no more than a few inches of cold water and ice cubes.

Remove the white caps from the 7 glass jars in your Euro Cuisine Yoghurt Maker. We won’t need them until the yoghurt is cooked. Pour your milk into a saucepan. Heat the milk.

Whisk frequently to avoid charring. When the milk starts to bubble or reach 180 degrees Fahrenheit it is ready. Place the saucepan into the ice bath and cool it to 100ºF. That’s about the same temperature one would feel comfortable feeding this milk to a baby. Remove one cup of the milk from the saucepan and pour the rest in the pitcher.

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Stir in the yoghurt or yoghurt culture with 1 cup of the warm milk. Today I am using all natural plain yoghurt as my starter. Now, it might seem strange that you have to buy yoghurt to make yoghurt but what we’re doing here is introducing good probiotic bacteria to the milk.

This bacteria thrive in heat. This is exactly what your yoghurt maker is going to provide.

Now all you do is take the mixture, you pour it with warm milk in your pitcher. And, then simply give it a stir. Pour the final mixture into the 7 glass jars in equal amounts. Place the open jars into the Euro Cuisine YM80 Yoghurt Maker. Remember we are saving the individual white jar lids for later.


Place the clear cover over the maker. Check the handy time reminder printed on the side of the machine. I’m going to cook this batch for 8 hours. So, I am going to align my indicator on a clear lid with the time I expect it to be finished. This will remind me what time I should turn it off. It is 1 pm so, I am going to add 8 hours and align my indicator with the number 9.

Plug in the Yoghurt Maker to begin the cooking and turn on the machine to begin cooking your batch. It is that easy. 8 hours later simply turn off the unit. Remove the clear lid and twist the white lids onto each glass jar. Refrigerate the glass jars.

Euro Cuisine Ym80

The yoghurt will stay fresh for at least 10 days. The YM80 has enough jars to provide enough serving every day for a week. My family loves yoghurt so we make a new batch every other night. Now, when the jars are chilled for at least 3 hours your yoghurt is ready to eat.

Euro Cuisine Ym80 Directions

You can enjoy chilled yoghurt straight out of the jar or you can add it to your favorite cereal. I like to stir in seasonal fruits and spices. I think it’s a great way to add new flavors throughout the year. My kids love to experiment. Creating yoghurt really is a great family activity.

Euro cuisine ym80 vs ym100

The Euro Cuisine instruction book includes even more delicious recipes. We hope you enjoyed this video.